Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Flower Fades

When I said on Monday that "sermons about the lilies of the field can wait until another day," I did not intend for my very next post to be a sermon about flowers. But that's what God laid on my heart during my devotions this morning. Oops!

I've been working to improve my photography skills. I really want to take pictures of clouds. A dear friend of mine has gotten me addicted to cloud watching. But I'm still struggling with controlling the exposure of those pictures so I'm also photographing flowers.

One of the hardest things in getting a good close-up of a flower is finding a flower that's perfect enough for a close-up. Maybe that says something about our flower-gardening skills. Double oops!

Reminds me of I Peter 1:24-25, "Because 'All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever'..." Our life on earth is like a flower. It's gorgeous for a while, and God wants us to enjoy its beauty. But we know it will fade quickly.

So the next time you see a yucky flower (like the picture I'm posting here), thank God that we have "an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away reserved in heaven for [us]" I Peter 1:4.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Heartbeat Away

“Wonder is only a heartbeat away from worship” (Romancing Your Child’s Heart, p.215). Take time to bask in the wonder of God’s creation today. No need to moralize about it – sermons about the lilies of the field can wait for another day. Just enjoy God’s creation with Him. It is a priceless form of worship.