Sunday, September 7, 2014

When God Says No – Part 2

In my last post I wrote about a time when Jesus said no to His own hunger. “Big deal,” we think. Our troubles go much deeper than an empty stomach. Broken relationships. Evil. Pain. What does God say about these?

There is a sense in which God denied His own desires long before Jesus came to earth. His first great act of self-sacrifice was when He gave us free will. God could have created humans who would do all the right things. We could have been His puppets, and the world would have been perfect. But a puppet cannot love. It cannot have a relationship.

God willingly subjected Himself to the pain of rejection so that a relationship with us would be possible. He gave us the right to say no to Him.

I still don’t have an answer to unanswered prayer. I know one thing. The pain in my life drives me closer to God. I know a second thing. God chose to experience pain Himself to be close to me. That is enough.