A friend asked me last night how my day was. I can’t
remember what I said. Something nondescript. Okay? Good? Fine?
He replied, “Not fantastic?”
Well, it was a pretty ordinary day. I ate the same thing for
breakfast that I always eat – scrambled eggs and toast. I worked all day. I
went to orchestra rehearsal in the evening. I guess that means I never go
hungry, I have a fulfilling job that pays the bills, and I have friends who
enjoy making music together. Nothing tragic happened. That’s pretty fantastic.
As we enter the holiday season, I think of my friends who
are going through difficult times, those who have lost loved ones. If you’re
one of those friends, please know I’m praying for you.
If you’re not facing tragedy, if you’re more like me,
sometimes wondering if life is in a rut, join me in praising God this
Thanksgiving for blessing us with so many fantastic boring days.