Our hearts broke after the shooting in Newtown, CT. Whatever our religious convictions, we all seem to believe that human
life is precious. Dare I use the Christian term sacred?
We tried to show support for the hurting. We flew our flags
at half-staff. We posted pictures on Facebook. But do we have the courage to
face the harder questions?
On December 26, Justice Sotomayor denied Hobby Lobby’s
application for an injunction against part of the birth-control mandate in HHS.
The Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, are evangelical Christians and refuse
to provide health insurance that covers the morning-after pill.
The Greens, like the rest of us, believe that life is
precious. The only question is when life begins. Does life begin at conception
as the Greens claim? Or 22 days later when the child’s heart beats with his own
blood? How about week 6 when brain waves are detectable or week 8 when
fingerprints begin to form? Maybe the unborn child is fully human in week 12
when he can finally suck his thumb. (See "Fetal Development" for more facts and
pictures of unborn children.)
This is a fair discussion to have. You may disagree with the
Green’s conclusion that life begins at conception, but I think we should all
agree on one thing. The Greens have an honest conviction that the morning-after
pill takes a human life. In the wake of the Newtown shooting, we should respect
the Greens for standing by their convictions.
Does the government really need to fine them up to $1.3
million per day in January? Don’t we care more about life than that?
“Before I formed
you in the womb I knew you,
Before you were
born I set you apart…” Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)