Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Seek Ye?

Ever get tired of Christians and their trite bumper stickers? “Try Jesus.” “Jesus is the Answer.” “Got God?”

We love sharing our faith because Jesus has filled the hungers of our souls. But Jesus doesn’t fill every hunger. Are you hungry for the praise of men? A comfortable life? Less pain? Jesus is not the answer. You will never find those things in Christ.

John the Baptist saw Christ and declared, “Behold the Lamb of God!” Two of John’s disciples followed Jesus (John 1:35-39).

Jesus did not rejoice that he was attracting a crowd. He did not put two more notches on His belt. He asked an honest question: “What seek ye?”

If we pursue the wrong things, we will never be satisfied. If we seek worldly things, we will find disappointment, even in Christ. If we seek the things of God, we will find the truth – Jesus is the answer.

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