My poor metronome went many years without a name. But one day my teacher wrote JIM on my music. “Join In Motion.” You cannot start a solo successfully until you feel the music going already. Listen to the music of the spheres. Join in motion. You will succeed.
I realized this is also the answer to my students’ metronome problems. They turn on the metronome, jump in with their solo and wonder why they can’t stay with that nasty ticking device.
Listen to it. Think the beat. When you have internalized the tempo, you may join in motion.
This is also true in life. We cannot change our actions until we change the way we think. When my thoughts correspond to reality, my life becomes beautiful music.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
I remember having trouble with metronomes. I never thought about it like this. What a simple and clear way to understand how to use them!