Record buttons make me freeze. Worse yet, they make me shake in fear and trepidation, a fact I tried desperately to hide in yesterday's recording session with the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra.
After a year of no orchestra rehearsals, we met and recorded a concert to be premiered on the symphony's website on May 8 at 7:30 p.m. The recording session began well, but the gently rising melody of Tchaikovsky's Elegie ruined me. Its whispery entrance accentuated the tremor I hoped to suppress.
Recordings unmask my secret horror, "All my mistakes will be permanent."
This angst plagues my relationships too. What if I say something wrong? What if I accidentally hurt someone? Is there any way to erase the pain?
I'm growing in the humility of seeking forgiveness, but I have no control over whether that forgiveness will be granted. However, I can control one thing—my responses to others. I can choose to forgive.
1 Corinthians 13:5 says love "keeps no record of wrongs." Our culture paints many pictures of love from gushy romances to friendships built on shared interests and time spent hanging out. But God's love is deeper. It's a love that does the tough stuff, a love that forgives.
So I'm embracing God's love today and choosing not to press record.
Image by THAM YUAN YUAN from Pixabay |
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