Sunday, November 14, 2010


The following is a take-off on a thought of C.S. Lewis. I have absorbed enough Lewis in the past years that I no longer know where his thoughts end and mine begin.

Have you ever seen a snowflake trying to "find itself"? What a ridiculous idea! I look at the blanket of whiteness on the ground, each snowflake uniquely formed by our Creator. It boggles my mind.

Why do we humans feel the need to find ourselves? We listen to the messages our culture sends. Sometimes we conform. Sometimes we deliberately do the opposite. But we still have this nagging feeling that we're the product of what other people think we should be. Until we come to Christ.

When I surrender everything to God, I finally become the unique individual He created me to be. As Whittaker Chambers said, "In the act of seeking oneness with God, I became one with myself…I became what I was. I ceased to be what I was not."

Life is not a fruitless game of hide and seek. If we want to find ourselves, we first must find God. Then we have found everything.