Saturday, May 22, 2010


I recently discovered the website and their "Weekly Conversations." I decided to use the conversation starters there as an inspiration for my own blog posts. I would love to hear your thoughts. Let's make this a conversation.

The most recent question is: "Madeline L'Engle writes, 'Unless we are creators we are not fully alive.' Do you agree or disagree? How do you implement creativity into your daily life?"

I partly agree and partly disagree. I disagree because many people use creativity as a substitute for God.

Francis Schaeffer addressed this in the third chapter of Escape from Reason. Naturalistic science (denying God's existence or His involvement in the world) leads to determinism. If there is no God, we are a product of evolution, a chance combination of matter and energy. Then what are my thoughts? Random neuron firings? Are my actions a product of my environment?

People do not want to believe they are mere machines. They value freedom and self-expression. They value creativity. If I create something, I am more than the product of my environment. Or am I? How do I know I created it? Who am "I"?

I fear Madeleine L'Engle sought her identity and worth through creativity rather than finding them in God. When interviewed by Bob Abernethy, she said that she was not a Christian author. She said, "I am a writer. That's it. No adjectives. The first thing is writing. Christianity is secondary." (See

In John 10:10, the Lord Jesus said, "...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Christ gives life. Creativity never can.

However, Madeleine L'Engle might have a point. We will never feel our faith until we act on it. God made us individuals. He gave us personality beyond our DNA. As we live this out, we experience the life He intended us to have.

Creativity plays a great part in my life. I teach private music lessons. I am continually looking for new ways to inspire my students, explain difficult concepts and master challenging technique. Photography is my creative pass time. I love capturing the beauty God put in the world.

But I don't worship my creativity. I use my creativity to worship the God who gave me life and enjoys my friendship.

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